a vestige of thought...

Wednesday, February 22, 2006

The only thing I miss about Xanga was the feature that allowed you to show what you are reading/watching/listening to at the time of your post. I doubt anyone else cared what I was reading or listening to, but it's nifty for me to look back at my Xanga entries and see what I was reading.

So, whether or not you care, here's what I'm reading/watching/listening to right now. It's more in depth than Xanga, just becuase I can make it so.

Ella Enchanted by Gail Carson Levine. One of my absolutely favorite books. I read it for the first time when I was 9ish and have read it probably 6 or 7 times since. I even bought it when I was 10, back when the $5 it cost was a lot of money. I haven't read it in ages, but Lisa (who has been sick the past couple of the days) watched the movie yesterday. I watched part of it and was horribly disappointed. The book is SO much better than the movie. I found myself wanting to read it, just to clense my brain from the rottenness of the movie. So I dug it out and am reading it again.

The Importance of Being Earnest by Oscar Wilde. I'm writing a review on it for Literary Analysis.

Cathedral by Ramond Carver. A collection of short stories my lit teacher gave me to read. I am pretty surprised at how much I am enjoying it.

My Utmost for His Highest by Oswald Chambers. I know I've mentioned this a zillion times. It's still just about the best book in the world.

Finding Nemo, with Lisa (who is still sick). Today at the mall (after work) I went to go get Scott a birthday present. One of the cell phone kiosks had a big flat screen TV that was showing Finding Nemo. There was a crowd of 4 or 5 businessmen standing around watching it. It was funny.

Listening to:
The Phantom of the Opera soundtrack. (I'm not actually listening to it at this current moment, but I was a little bit ago.) I downloaded it from iTunes the a few days ago. Good stuff. I still haven't seen the movie, though. It's high on my to do list.
posted by Christy at 4:10 PM


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