a vestige of thought...
Thursday, February 14, 2008
Someone challenged me the other day to guess what his Myers-Briggs personality type was. I found this to be a sort of cruel punishment, as I did not guess very accurately. Still, it got me thinking on the subject of personality types. (I am an ENFP, in case anyone was wondering.) There was a time when I believed myself to be an introvert. I thought that when I came to college I was going to have to work really hard to make sure I had my alone time. How wrong I was! I do not need (nor do I particularly enjoy) "alone time." Instead, I need "on my own time." Take now, for instance. I am sitting by myself, but I'm not actually "alone," because there are at least 15 other people in the room with me. (Or at least that was true when I started this paragraph. Now I am sitting with my dear roomie, and the student center has emptied out considerably.) I get antsy and distracted when I sit alone in my dorm room, but I love walking through a crowd by myself. I enjoy sitting places (like the student center, or the library) where there are lots of people around, but I don't necessarily have to interact with them. Or places where lots of people pass by and I have short conversations with many of them.
Karissa gave me tapioca pudding for Valentine's Day. That girl warms my heart and soul. :)