a vestige of thought...

Saturday, November 26, 2005

A Starv[ed] for Art[ist]

In nearly every way I am perfectly content with my finantial position in life. The only time I ever wish that I had more money than I do is when I start looking at the arts. It would seem that to regularly attend shows, one has to be either rich or very well connected. I would love to go to every musical, ballet, symphony/pops, and theater performance that I can find, but tickets are so darn expensive! And do you know what really depresses me? If I didn't have to pay for this stupid orchestra trip that I'm being guilted into going on, I could pay for nosebleed tickets to over TWENTY shows! *sigh*

Ever since I was a tiny violin-squeaker and church children's choir member I have wanted to see a Broadway musical (that was not performed by high school students). Sadly, I have yet to do so. I have sworn to myself, though, that before this year is through I will go see a show at the Aronoff, even if I just buy my one ticket and go down there by myself (my parents assure me they would be ever so glad to accompany me if I were to buy tickets for them, but this is quite unlikely). I'm definitely going to see Wicked in March and, if I'm lucky, I want to go see Phantom of the Opera as well this December. I will, I say, I WILL!
posted by Christy at 10:30 PM


You will and you will love it. When we become famous and rich because of our fame, we'll go see a bazillion Broadway plays IN New York City. Won't it be exciting?

5:40 PM  

I was reading over an IM conversation we had this past January. It was the one where we wrote that "My Cat Walks on the Treadmill" poem and where we played word association. It was really funny. Good times.

8:03 PM  

Hehe. Heather, you're awesome. Good times.

8:52 PM  

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