a vestige of thought...

Sunday, December 25, 2005

Merry, Happy, and Joyful Christmas!

I hope that your Christmas has been happy and stress-free and I pray that you have been filled with the hope and joy that the birth of Christ brings. What a wonderful God we have! I am, as ever, completely blown away by his grace. By now we are all familiar with the idea and so our amazement is lessened, but who would have imagined that God, infinitely huge and beyond comprehension, would choose to come to our earth wrapped in the package of a human infant? The more I try to understand the more awe-filled I become. Wow.

154. The white fuzzy scarf I'm knitting
155. The fantastic Christmas Eve service at NMPC yesterday. It was completely amazing beyond words.
156. Playing "Apples to Apples" with my family
157. My family in general
158. The feeling that I get after all the presents have been opened and my whole family is sitting in the living room surrounded by wrapping paper and boxes and love.
159. Black BIC pens. I got about a million of them for Christmas.
160. Going over to the Gates's on Christmas Eve after the church service
161. The Pride and Prejudice soundtrack.
posted by Christy at 11:32 PM


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