a vestige of thought...

Friday, August 24, 2007

The Rest of the Summer...

Alright. I'm here. Ever since I got home, I've been making my way over to Blogger, staring at it for awhile, and then feeling overwhelmed by the task I have assigned myself and run away. I miss blogging, but I feel guilty about not finishing writing about my summer, so I end up not blogging at all. Enough with that. Here are a number of photo highlights from the rest of my summer, and then I shall move on to bigger and better blogging things.

Wes, Ashton, and I as Jesus, Mary, and Martha in Mobile, Alabama doing a VBS at Crawford UMC.

Scoop, the reporter, and Skylar, the flying squirrel, at the same VBS


Herald and The Destroyer shucking corn.

Sitting on top of the van to watch fireworks in Dublin, GA on the 4th of July

At Taylor County Camp in Butler, GA they put me in a suitcase.

The Wesbury worship band (that's Wesley College and Asbury College combined)


Look at all these cool people. :) This is the Asbury Team and the Wesley Team together.

Look, it's Joy. She showed up in Williston, FL.

Asleep on the bus

The cool girls in my cabin at Indian Springs Holiness Camp in Flovilla, GA.

Playing the Ha-Ha game. We weren't very good at it.

Me and Sarah, another counselor

Look at Kaylyn wash those trays!

There are no words.

The end.
posted by Christy at 10:04 AM


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