a vestige of thought...

Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Q is for Quote

Me, trying to decide on a major (sort of):

Alice came to a fork in the road.
"Which road do I take?" she asked.
"Where do you want to go?", responded the Cheshire cat.
"I don't know." Alice answered.
"Then," said the cat, "it doesn't matter."
posted by Christy at 1:22 PM 1 comments

Sunday, August 27, 2006

P is for...

Pluto. Apparently it's no longer a planet. Someone posted an announcement about it on the wall in my hall. Heather, Sam, and I spent far too long trying to make up a new saying so we could remember the order of the remaining eight planets. My Very Energetic Mother Just Sold Us Napkins.

Palestine. My greatest accomplishment in the past 48 hours was memorizing all the locations listed on my map of 1st century AD Palestine for New Testament class. I'm not good at geography and I was quite pleased with my success.

Practice. I only practiced two and a half times (one time doesn't really count) for my orchestra audition, but it went really well. I made a few mistakes, but I was really happy with how it went considering how little I'd practiced. Even the sight reading went well, which surprised me. Dr. Holz even told me that I "definitely have the talent" to major or minor in music if I wanted to. Granted, the Asbury music department is not CCM, but I thought it was nice of him to say.

Porkopolis. Yesterday I had on a shirt that said "Cincinnati" and had a picture of a flying pig on it. As a result, I got to tell half the school about Cincinnati's history with flying pigs and other local things (like goetta, Skyline Chili, and Graeter's). I appreciate Cincinnati's coolness more every time I talk to people from other places. I mean, other places are cool too, but I like Cincinnati. Heather predicted me "most likely to brag about her hometown" on Facebook.

Pretzles. Pretzles have been a staple snack for me my entire life and I don't think there is a single one on campus. I guess I have always taken them for granted because I have been craving them for the past week or so. The first chance I get I am walking over to IGA and seeing if I can find a reasonably priced bag.
posted by Christy at 9:09 PM 1 comments

Thursday, August 24, 2006

O is for Orientation

My goodness! All of a sudden a week has sped by and I haven't posted. Shame on me.

Orientation has been officially over for a couple of days now, but I'll take a few paragraphs to write about it.

Every year all Asbury freshman are split up into 20 or so TAG (Transition and Guidance) groups that are led by a couple of sophemores. My TAG group is #2, which also happens to be the best TAG group ever. ; ) During actual orientation, we met multiple times every day. Now we only meet officially once a week for dinner, but since pretty much our whole group has become friends, we've gotten together other times. Yesterday we met in the Grille for Euchre and ping-pong and ERS, among other things. It was great fun, even though my team lost.

This is Carol and Zach beating me and Jason (who is out of the picture) at Euchre. Sadly, it just wasn't our day.

Me and Sam (my awesome roommate) before our class picture (hence the t-shirts) during orientation.

Isn't that a pretty window?
posted by Christy at 9:07 AM 0 comments

Saturday, August 19, 2006

N is for New Beginnings

When I left for Asbury College on Thursday morning I was about 25% excited and 75% nervous. Now that I've been here 48 hours, I am at least 95% excited and only 5% nervous. I love this place! The dorm is great and my roommate, Sam, is fantastic. We met at the scholarship competition and decided to room together, so I knew here a little bit before getting here, but I think this is going to work out really well. We've gotten along great so far and hopefully we'll be able to work through any future difficulties without too much trouble.

Moving in and orientation has kept me pretty busy, so I haven't had much time to pause for things like blogging (or journaling or even much sitting) yet. I imagine I will fall into some sort of routine once classes actually start. Right now I have about an hour break while the majority of people are taking a language placement test. Since I've only has one year of Latin and am definitely going to be in the 101 class I didn't have to take it. : )

My room:

Sam and I both felt like we had brought a ton of stuff, but we actually have a ton of space (due, at least in part, to bunking the beds). I felt better when I saw that some girls had brought even more stuff than me.

My desk:

I wonder how long I will be at all organized. :P
posted by Christy at 10:59 AM 4 comments

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

M is for Music

Written in my journal 7/9/06:

I like music with lots of layers. Sometimes when I'm tired or sad or just want to block out the world for a bit, I like to put in my headphones and listen to the layers. First I will just listen to the whole song as it recommends itself to me, hearing the words, or the melody, or whatever else stands out the most. But in later listenings I concentrate on the harmony or the bass or the countermelody or the percussion or the celli or the trumpets and each little bit of what makes the song flesh out as a whole. I try to hear how the parts interact with each other and add to the total effect. They bring images to my mind and I often picture drifting among different layers of colors, each part rushing over me like water and carrying me with its current for a time (imagine the 'pure music' part of Fantasia)...

...I think this is why I so dislike 'easy listening' music. It is as shallow as a poorly written book character or a stereotypical teenage cheerleader. Bo-ring!

posted by Christy at 2:20 PM 0 comments

Monday, August 14, 2006

L is for Legacy and for Laura is cool because she took me to visit Miami

I went to my last Experience last night. It was a bit sad because it was my last one, but at the same time exciting because it's so neat to see what God is doing there. I spent the candle/prayer time remembering all the amazing times I've had in that upper room and how the people who have been there have made such an impact on me. I left hoping that my presence there over the past four years has made some sort of a difference as well. That maybe Cafe has changed for the better since I started leading it two years ago or that people felt welcomed and loved there in part because of my efforts. When I turned on the radio in my car, Legacy, by Nichole Nordeman was playing. Very appropriate:

I want to leave a legacy,
How will they remember me?
Did I choose to love?
Did I point to you enough
To leave a mark on things?
I want to leave an offering.
A child of mercy and grace
Who blessed your name
Leave that kind of legacy.

* * * * *

Yesterday afternoon Laura drove up to Miami with her mom and Mombers (her grandma) and she invited me to come along to see the campus. It was fun to see where so many of my friends are going to spend the next four years. On the road there, Laura pointed out the ridiculous number of black and neon signs for a large variety of things. One heck of a good neon sign salesman must have traveled that road.

Upon arrival we ate at the Bagel and Deli, a small hole-in-the-wall sort of place which, like most successful hole-in-the-wall business, has amazing food. You can make up any sandwich you want, or choose from the already created combinations listed on (quite creative) homemade signs around the shop. I had a "Messy Katie," which consists of cream cheese, turkey, cheddar cheese, avocado, lettuce, tomato, and sprouts toasted on a bialy bagel (except I had mine on pumpernickel because they were out of bialy). It was excellent.

Then we drove around the campus. I have to admit, driving around campus is a bit funny to me. I've become so used to Asbury (where driving from a dorm to an academic building would be a bit silly) that Miami seems huge. But I'm happy that now I will be able to imagine the dorms where Laura and Brittany and Brandae will be living and their dining halls and classrooms and such. I like having a mental image.

* * * * *

I think I'll be a good girl and go practice violin for a little while now. My first orchestra class is Tuesday and it could be interesting. I haven't practiced in awhile...
posted by Christy at 6:05 PM 0 comments

Saturday, August 12, 2006

K is for Potassium

K is for a lot of other things, too: Kentucky (a very nice state), Koalas (live in a country where the people have fantastic accents), Kite (a cool song by Copeland), and Kiwi (a fruit of a very pretty green color) among other things. But when I thought 'K', the first thing that came to my mind was Potassium.

In chemistry, when I had to memorize a certain number of chemical symbols, potassium was always easiest for me to remember because it was so random. Though I despised chemistry at the time, I have a lot of fond memories of that class. (Physics was definitely better though, both in subject matter and in company.) My fondest memories are of experiments. Things that blow up or bubble or spark or melt or change color are much more interesting than things that may or may not roll or swing or fall correctly. I remember a particular episode (that I will never forget) where my teacher put steel wool in a plastic bag with... something (HCl, maybe?) and have it to a particular student. The concoction in the bag sparked and flamed a bit and the student leaped six feet and squealed like a girl. It was hysterical. This student was subsequently in my physics class as well, and the others who were there for the incident have never let him forget it. =D

Potassium brings a few other things to mind. The first is a sleepover I attended in third grade. We watched Honey, We Shrunk Ourselves. I don't remember a whole lot of the movie, but there was one part where a kid had some illness that he needed medication for. He forgot to take it and when he passed out, some other kid stuffed a banana in his mouth because he needed potassium.

My violin teacher used to tell me to eat a banana before I performed because the potassium in it had some sort of calming effect. I'm not sure if it really worked, but I did eat a banana before I performed as often as I remembered to.

K = Potassium. I suspect there is some reason for this random association. Cybercookies to anyone who can tell me why...
posted by Christy at 5:30 PM 1 comments

Friday, August 11, 2006

J is for Jelly Beans

I really like jelly beans. A lot. They are by far my favorite candy and pretty high up on the list of my favorite foods. I like all kinds, but brands of particular note include Starburst and (of course) Jelly Belly. These two are special because they have not only a flavored candy coating, but also a flavored gel inside, giving them twice the yumminess of a regular jelly bean. See? The Candyblogger agrees with me.

Jelly Bellies have a slight edge over Starburst, mostly due to the fun factor. No matter how hard they try, the standard green apple, cherry, grape, orange, etc are no match for flavors such as buttered popcorn, juicy pear, and peanut butter. The unique flavors can be enjoyed alone or in 'recipes' (for example, two blueberry beans and one buttered popcorn equals a blueberry muffin).

The moral of the story is, if you want to be my friend, butter me up, or in any way impress me, jelly beans are the way to go. Of course, any of those things can be accomplished in other ways, but jelly beans are a good place to start.
posted by Christy at 10:49 PM 0 comments

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Yesterday my blog generated 102 page impressions. So far today I've only had 12. Why is that?
posted by Christy at 3:03 PM 0 comments

I is for Igloo

I talked to Heather this morning. 'Heather,' said I, 'what does 'I' stand for? I have A-H, but I'm stuck on I. 'Why Christy,' she replied, ''I,' of course, stands for igloo!' Not just any old igloo, mind you, but the one in Alaska, where it snows 10 months of the year, that she plans to live in. She has also informed me that in the two months it does not snow she will live on (in?) a sled with her pack of wolves while adding onto and renovating her igloo. (Apparently the wolves also bring her food year round. I hope you can grow limes or something up there, Heather, because I don't want you dying of scurvy.) I guess maybe there's still snow on the ground, even tough it's not snowing? Might be hard to sled otherwise...

Though I thought living in a place where it's always snowing and completely dark for half of the year might get depressing, she informed me that this will be no problem. She has a polar bear to keep her company and spends her time knitting sweaters for the local penguins. I'm fairly sure that penguins live in southern coldness as opposed to northern coldness. When I said as much she replied that her sweaters were for puffins, not penguins. I don't know if there are puffins in Alaska, but I suppose I'll take her word for it. And the yarn for her sweaters is imported from Jamaica, by the way. It's all donated, so she doesn't need any money.

So there you have it. I is for igloo. Still, I always thought Heather would prefer Vermont...
posted by Christy at 12:52 PM 2 comments

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

H is for HP Support

I got a printer a few weeks ago. It's a pretty cool printer, one of those all-in-one things that works as a printer, a copier, and a scanner. I have become frustrated with it, though, because my computer refuses to recognize that it's there. Backtrack... that's not entirely true. It does work. I can print and copy wonderfully. But when I try to complete the "Setup Assistant" (the icon has a tuxedo on, which I think is funny) so that I can use the scanner, I am told that the computer cannot find the printer. I've been emailing back and forth with an HP support person trying to fix the problem, but so far no such luck. Yesterday I got another email from her with a long, involved process to try and a new driver to install. Since it is such a long and involved process I have not had time to try it yet. Between work and my social butterfly tendencies (Ha) I may not have time until tomorrow or Thursday. I am very much hoping to get the problem resolved by the following Thursday.
posted by Christy at 7:32 PM 0 comments

Someone has a sense of humor

I forgot to mention a long time ago (as I intended) that after my letter to my anonymous sponsor who pledged $14.64, I got another anonymous sponsorship for $14.14. Coincidence? I'm not sure. Two weeks later I'm still wondering about those two...
posted by Christy at 1:59 PM 0 comments

G is for "God on the Quad," and other last minute reading

I have three books still checked out from the Cincinnati library that I want to try to finish before I take off for Asbury. The first of these is God on the Quad: How Religious Colleges and the Missionary Generation are Changing America, by Naomi Schaefer Riley. Riley describes her travels to several different religious (not just Christian) colleges in the US and the impact that these schools and their students are having on society. Obviously I find this particularly interesting as I am about to attend such a school. Colleges discussed in the book include (as far as I've read) Brigham Young University (Mormon), Bob Jones University (fundamentalist Christian), Notre Dame (Secular-ish Catholic), and Thomas Aquinas College (Orthodox Catholic). I understand that the next three chapters are on Jewish, Buddhist, and Baptist colleges. Riley herself is Jewish, but she does a very good job of presenting each school in an unbiased light. She notes both the schools' "extreme" aspects and the positive effects of their unique environments. Surprisingly (to me) I have found that Thomas Aquinas is the school that intrigues me the most. If I were Catholic and the school were not so far away, I may have looked into going there. (As it is, one would have to pay me an awful lot of money to get me to go anywhere besides Asbury.) The final chapters of the book are more specifically about the effects of religious schools on this country. I am looking forward to reading Riley's overall assessment.

The second book I picked up is The Barbarian Way: Unleash the Untamed Faith Within, by Erwin Raphael McManus. I reserved it at the library after hearing someone raving about it, but I had to wait for it so long that I now cannot remember who. I have a general aversion to most 'Christian living' sort of books and devotionals (one notable exception being My Utmost for His Highest, by Oswald Chambers), but every now and then I find one that I like. Hopefully this will be one of them.

The third book, Night, by Elie Weisel, I picked up on a whim after seeing it mentioned in several different places. When I looked at it I discovered that its sudden popularity is thanks to the help of Oprah, who named it as one of her book club books. The Holocaust has always interested me and I was particularly intrigued after reading an excerpt describing a man playing a Beethoven concerto on his violin as he died. I was going to post a link to that passage, but I can't seem to find it again.

Nine days, three books, little reading time...
posted by Christy at 12:30 PM 0 comments

Monday, August 07, 2006

F is for Fanfiction

I have long been "convinced" that fictional characters were actually real people living in a universe parallel to our own. Fiction writers are simply people that are able to see into this alternate universe and write about a piece of it in the language of our own. It is not only the original author who can peek into this world. Anyone who wishes to can take what they see and put it into writing as well. These people, in other words, create fanfiction.

In the wee hours of the Blogathon I made a comment to the effect of, "All fanfiction should be outlawed." This outburst came after, while doing a search for the name of a guest actor who looked familiar, I came across this Sue Thomas: FBEye fanfiction story. The others in the forum were not much better. I immediately condemned any thing of the sort. Furter reflection, however, led me to believe I may have been a bit hasty in my judgement. After all, it was this, now much subdued, fanfiction website that led me to meet my good chum Heather.

A Google search to find out of others agreed with my negative assessment of fanfiction turned up this essay, which argues just the opposite. The author, Elizabeth Marsh, states, "fanfictions are a worthy alternative to hours spent in front of the television, giving the viewer a chance to use what they learn from the media to further their writing ability." I admit that stretching one's creative muscles, even with characters and settings one did not invent themselves, is a better way to spend one's time than staring at a glowing box. Writers wonder 'what if this thing had happened instead of this other thing?' and then [sometimes] toughtfully work their way through the situation. When watching television, this work is done for them.

Still, I can't quite praise the popular phenomenon. There is a reason that screenwriters are screenwriters and others are just... fanfiction authors. Much writing from the latter is just plain bad. (That's not to say that all screenwriting is good, though certainly a higher percentage of it is.) My problem is not so much that the writing is bad, but that people celebrate it as good. If fanfiction is- as Elizabeth Marsh claims- a way to further writing ability, constructive criticism should be as much a part of the responses as praise.

I also find it frustrating that fanfiction stories are rarely consistent with the shows they were inspired by. Flirtatious glances in one TV episode often lead to steamy romance scenes in a subsequent fanfiction story. Violence and drama are often taken to disgusting or rediculously cheesy levels in an attempt to captivate readers. Many fanfiction boards now require a rating to accompany all stories. But if a show is popularized with a rating of PG or PG-13, why do fanfiction authors think that raising that rating to R+ will make their writing more attractive?

Though I could go on and on about my particular dislikes of fanfiction writing (like how writers consistently botch the personalities and morality of well-established characters), I suppose that overall it is a matter of personal preference. No one is forcing me to read any and, upon completion of this post, I don't anticipate ever doing so. If you are a fanfiction... uh... fan, then maybe you will be lucky enough to improve you writing skills and, as my fifth grade teacher used to say, earn some new wrinkles in your brain.
posted by Christy at 10:27 AM 1 comments

Sunday, August 06, 2006

E is for Eggs

My little sister, Lisa, first showed me this website. I'm not sure whether laughter or tears is the best response. Go here and click on "egg song" at the top right.
posted by Christy at 1:41 PM 2 comments

Saturday, August 05, 2006

D is for Drafts

I have a bunch of posts that I have started and since completely forgotten about. Now I can't remember what I had intended to say in the first place. Observe:

10/28/05: Life makes more sense backwards.

11/15/05: Pieces of Me

I'm a bit post-happy these days. My apologies if I bore you.

I've been reading through some of my old journals again (something I do fairly often) and thought that, since blogs are pretty egotistical anyway, I would quote myself a bit. What can I say? I amuse myself. (Random fact: people who keep journals and reread them often are at a higher risk of committing suicide than the general population. That's a bit creepy.)

Here's a sampling of my dramatic 8th grade year:

"Maybe in Heaven God will have a big writing desk for me to sit at 24/7 and write about how cool He is!"

"What a mysterious and wonderful thing joy is! Joy. What a small simple word for such a huge, beautiful feeling! If the feeling joy brings could be said in one word, it would be so long that it would wrap around the world a million times and still not be good enough."

"I have to write. Its just in my blood or something. The problem is... WRITER'S BLOCK! It's this thing that happens when you've been having really great ideas and then BANG! everything that was once in your brain has been slurped out by an imaginary vacuum, and the blank page sits there in front of you, mocking you. It's saying: "Come on, look at me, I'm so plain and blank, and want you to fill me with your thoughts and ideas, but ha! You can't think of anything! So I'll just sit here, all blank and lonely becaue YOU are dumb and can't think of anything!"

"I hate homeschooling I hate homeschooling I hate homeschooling I hate homeschooling I hate homeschooling I hate homeschooling I hate homeschooling I hate homeschooling. .... I just remembered a passage that I found in 'The Message,' a paraphrase of the Bible. It says: "Don't be wishing you were someplace else or with someone else. Where you are right now is God's place for you. Live and obey and love and believe right there. " Ouch. I think I've just been slapped and shoved back into my place."
~12/7/01 (8th grade was a little rough. My opinion of homeschooling has changed greatly since then)

12/3/05: The Body of Christ

Every week, and especially the first Sunday of the month when we take communion, I am always amazed at how God has drawn such a diverse and broken group of people together as His body. I love it.

Today I got to church early (7:55) because I was making an announcement at the 8:00 about a youth group fund raiser. After I was done I had a lot of time to kill, so I helped a member of the church's prison ministry set up this year's Angel Tree.

12/27/05: faith/reason

Balance of faith and reason. They are not mutually exclusive, yet both are necessary. Here's why:


I happened to catch part of Oprah today while they were talking about minimum wage. They showed sad stories about several families surviving on the national minimum wage ($5.15/hr) that were, of course, not without a political agenda. The entire show was dedicated to urging viewers to call and write their leaders, asking them to raise the minimum wage. I speak ignorantly, but as I see it this creates new problems. Money has to come from somewhere. Business with suddenly higher labor costs would have to compensate by hiring fewer workers and/or raising prices. America is stuck in a catch-22 in this respect.


It's amazing how some people can take anything in life and make it interesting. I keep running across writing about seemingly boring like waitressing or infomercials that look at those things in a light that makes them intriguing and thought provoking. I'm trying to learn that; it makes the time spent filing and alphabetizing and Microsoft Excelling much less dull.

7/5/06: You've Got Spam

I am well aware that I have a tendency to become perhaps over-excited about subjects that (to others) may seem silly. If you find this tendency to be obnoxious, please feel free to skip the following rant.

On my Gmail account I usually get 10-20 spam messages a day. Generally this doesn't bother me, as Gmail has a very effective spam filter and the one or two a month that manage to slip past that are caught by Mail when I download the messages to my computer. What does bother me is when my friends spam me with forwarded scams. Since yesterday I have received the following forward twice:
posted by Christy at 7:31 PM 0 comments

C is for Crappy Computers

I shouldn't complain. I'm very lucky to have a work computer at all. For the couple of weeks before I had "my own" computer at work, I hopped around to whichever computer wasn't in use at the moment and, when they were all in use, generally had nothing to do. So I'm grateful that I have one. That said, the computer I have stinks. It's a big Dell "laptop" that is much too big to be actually used on a lap (though it's handy for when I have to move desks). It has a really high screen resolution, which means everything is really tiny and reading is hard on the eyes. It is new enough to have a trackpad, but old enough that (for whatever reason) the manufacturers still felt it necessary to have one of those fuzzy dot mouse control things in the middle of the keyboard. The trackpad and the fuzzy dot both have to have their own set of buttons, so I have four mouse buttons where one would do. I am constantly hitting them on accident and causing uncool things to happen. I also have a real mouse, so I don't really need any of them. (As an aside, I really love the trackpad and *single* click button on my iBook. Two finger scrolling is possibly my favorite computer-y invention in the world.) Also, the 'h' key doesn't work. If I hit it as I normally would while typing, it doesn't work. But if I hit it hard enough to generate a response, I end up with four or five h's. The 'h' key also happens to be right next to the fuzzy mouse controller thing, so when I try to hit the key harder I often end up hitting the dot as well and, again, causing uncool things to happen. Finally, computer gets really hot right under the keyboard. This makes typing for long periods of time rather unpleasant. Fortunately, I have only five more eight hour chunks of sitting in front of that generally unlikable computer and then I get to go back to using my generally cool iBook all the time. Hooray!
posted by Christy at 10:37 AM 1 comments

Friday, August 04, 2006

"Memories will be our souviners"

My girls are all leaving me. Mae and Caitlin and I think Claire are all leaving tomorrow and won't be back until after I leave. I didn't really get to say goodbye to any of them either. *sigh* This is making me very sad. If any of you girls read this, I love you dearly; have fun at Lakeside and hopefully I'll see you when I come home to visit. Mae and Cait: good luck senior year! Hooray for the class of '07! <-- And don't expect to hear that out of me again. ;)

Cyberhugs to the three of you. Keep in touch!

Everyone else, let's see each other for real before I leave! A week and 6 days still: plenty of time.
posted by Christy at 9:23 PM 0 comments

B is for 'Boys are Evil.'

That's not actually my opinion (all the time), but the opinion of Pensacola Christain College. And it's not really boys that are evil, but boys and girls together having any sort of association with one another. I think Pensacola would have done well as a Shaker college. Wikipedia's list of PCC's rules and regulations makes an interesting read. According to them, "stairwells and elevators are segregated by gender, members of the opposite sex are not permitted to touch in any way (even shaking hands is against the rules), mixed-gender meetings (including off-campus) are forbidden unless a PCC chaperon is present." Also substantial eye contact, called "eye kissing," "optical intercourse" or "making eye babies" by students, is strongly discouraged. Further, "engaging in social activities as a group away from the campus with members of the opposite sex can result in immediate dismissal." I really have to wonder how strictly they can possibly enforce that. I mean, say you go to the 80th birthday party of a family friend and some of his grandkids and others 'youth' are there (none of whom you are related to). Are you going to be expelled for playing charades with this group?

Asbury students are required to read and sign a code of conduct before enrolling. This list may seem extreme to some (I have gotten few comments to that effect when telling people what school I am going to), but it does not forbid anything that I would have done had I been allowed (the only exception being non-coreographed dancing, and I don't see that as too much of a loss).

The purpose of rules at all Christian colleges is to create an environment where Christ can be glorified through higher learning. However, there is a difference between learning in a Christ-centered environment and signing yourself into a prison for four years. Anyone have opinions on the matter?
posted by Christy at 5:55 PM 1 comments

A is for Air Conditioning

The AC in the Clippard Sales department broke shortly after I started here. Most of the summer we have had the lights out, shades closed, and fans filling every outlet in the department. Occasionally there were days where I would be warm in the afternoon, but it was never horrible. Two days ago, the air conditioning was fixed and the temperature change could not be more dramatic. Suddenly everyone is wearing sweaters and sweatshirts. A couple of people have brought in space heaters to put under their desks, and one person brought in hot chocolate to share. The lights are on and all the shades open in hopes of soaking up a few warm rays of sun. Skirts and sandals have been exchanged for pants, socks, and shoes. Will we ever get it right? I'm told I just picked the wrong season to work in.
posted by Christy at 1:30 PM 0 comments

Thursday, August 03, 2006

On why words are cooler than numb3rs

Written in my journal 7/8/06 (probably quite early in the morning), edited a little:

Sometimes I am disinclined to believe in prime numbers. I mean, with a number as big as 7,057, surely SOMETHING must go into it. Or 101. It's so... palendromic. It seems odd and a bit frightening to me that it has no factors besides 1 and itself. Why do I find this frightening? I don't know. Maybe because when I think of a [large] priome number, I imagine that number and one in my head [101; 1]. And then other numbers start to pass through my head as I try to disprove its... primacy [52... 10... 16... 21... 7... 3... 18...]. And soo the numbers woosh past each part of my brain and I start to hear a sort of flapping noise, like wind ripping through the pages of a book too quickly to understand. I like to see my books' pages; to lovingly move over them with my eyes and mine and to mull over each word and sentence, working out different meanings. Words can mean so many different things. For example: "I'm tired." It can mean (among other things):
~I want to sleep
~I want to go home
~my muscles are lacking oxygen
~of course I am tired, what would make you assume otherwise?
~I have been working hard all day
~I am lazy

On the other hand, numbers are so exact, so confining, yet so completely infitite and difficult to grasp. Two plus two ALWAYS equals four. No shades of meaning there.

NOTHING can be divided into 7, 057. Why not? Why are there only 10 digits? Could we understand so much if there were 12? Or only 6?

Bah. Give me words any day.

posted by Christy at 10:54 PM 0 comments

They've almost got it right...

Finneytown High School is now claiming me for their own. Never mind the fact that not only did I not graduate from the school, but I just barely was able to get tickets to even attend the graduation. Maybe I should get some sort of honorary Orchestra diploma... But hey, they helped me get the word out about Blogathon, so who am I to complain?
posted by Christy at 10:35 AM 0 comments

Wednesday, August 02, 2006

I used to think...

... that my chapstick would get a hole in the middle of it because I wasn't being careful enough. Every time I got a new tube of chapstick I would vow to be extra careful with it, yet it always got that hole in it anyway.

I also used to think that 'stomach' was a bad word.

In case you were wondering.
posted by Christy at 11:40 AM 0 comments

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Blogging for Matthew 25: Ministries
Current Sponsorships: $881.78
Goal: $1000
Click icon below to sponsor me.

Sponsor sign ups close sometime Tuesday, which means you still have time to sponsor me Thanks for all your help!
posted by Christy at 9:17 AM 1 comments